Sponsor Shetland Pride!
At Shetland Pride we offer a variety of sponsorship packages to suit all sizes of business. From corporate sponsorship packages, to packages aimed at small-medium sized organisations, you'll find the right option for you. Alternatively, you can make individual donations to the charity.
For more information please contact our Treasurer at: wayne.leask@shetlandpride.co.uk
Business Sponsorship.
Platinum Sponsorship/ £3000+
You’ll receive free advertising on our website, social media platforms and your logo will also be added to our advertisment leaflet, which will be sent to all 12,500 households in Shetland. We will also give you a specific mention in any press releases before or after the Shetland Pride 2024 festival. It would also give you free use of a merchandise or info stall at our Pride Village Event in Gilbertson Park to promote your business products and services.
Gold Sponsorship/ £1000 - £3000
With the Gold sponsorship package, you’ll receive free advertising on our website, social media platforms, and your business logo added to our advertisement leaflet, which is sent to all 12,500 households in Shetland. You can also have a merchandise or info stall at our Pride Village Event in Gilbertson Park to promote your business products and services. You'll also receive a free Shetland Pride sticker pack.
Silver Sponsorship/ £100 - £1000
The silver sponsorship package will get you free advertisment on our website and a special thanks on our social media. You will also get a free Shetland Pride sticker pack for your busniness.
Bronze Sponsorship/ £0 - £100
You’ll receive a "We Support Shetland Pride 24" sticker pack for your business as a thank you for supporting Shetland Pride. :)
Individual and personal donations.
If you are an individual who feels passionately about the work that Shetland Pride (SCIO) is doing, you will be able to donate to us through our Peoples Fundraising account. Click the link below and seach for "Shetland Pride".
Our Current Sponsors...
National Lottery: Community fund